Eliminate Staining of Your Teeth Dr. Joe Thomas Dentistry

Reduce or Eliminate Staining of Your Teeth

We all indulge and pleasure ourselves. Whether it is reality TV, catchy pop songs, or lots of chocolate, caffeine, smoking, chewing…..sometimes you just might choose to indulge. Here at our Office Drs. Abraham and Thomas, understand that oftentimes these pleasures do put embarrassing stains on your teeth. Here are the top three socially entrained vices that cause unsightly teeth-staining: Red […]

Tooth Problems Dr. Joe Thomas Dentistry

Do Not Let Tooth Problems Ruin Your Vacation

If you are planning your next Florida adventure, or vacation anywhere in the world, the last thing you want to worry about is your teeth ruining your pleasurable vacation. Rather than having a dental emergency on the road, consider these quick tips to keep your teeth as healthy and as clean as you can while you are on the go. […]

Fight Plague Dr. Joe Thomas Dentistry

Three Foods That Fight Plaque

The war against tooth decay is waged every day. You brush, you floss and even use mouthwash to keep plaque and tartar in check. Aside from regular dental check-ups, you may think there’s not much more you can do to keep harmful bacteria at bay. You’ll be happy to know the foods you already eat are helping you win the […]

How to brush teeth Dr. Joe Thomas Dentistry

Haven’t Seen Your Dentist In A While?

At Dr. Joe Thomas Dentistry we create smiles for a lifetime, and as your Fort Lauderdale Dentists we make it a point to create the most calming environment possible for YOU as you receive your oral therapy. However, for some, a visit to the Dentist can be nerve wracking, causing individuals to put-off regular check-ups. We are changing this notion […]

Laugh Lines Dr. Joe Thomas Dentistry

Don’t Let those Laugh Lines Keep You from Smiling

Your smile is absolutely stunning—but did you know that it’s giving you wrinkles? Don’t stop smiling just yet! At Dr. Joe Thomas Dentistry we proudly offer anti-aging treatments to combat those unsightly lines caused by that beautiful smile of yours. Have you been looking in the mirror and wondering where all those wrinkles came from? These lines didn’t just show […]